For ACC Patients initially presented with sprain and no obvious structural injuries:
ACC usually pay the first appointment for patients referred to Ram for expert opinion. However, generally only the first appointment with Ram will be covered by ACC for patients with:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome not direct injury related (eg. post distal radius # CTS will be covered under ACC)
  • 1st dorsal compartment tenosynovitis
  • Trigger finger/thumb
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Nerve Compressions (not directly related to the injury claim)

Please let patients know that Ram will assess and advise if any treatment he provided or further review by him would be covered under ACC or not according to his opinion. Ram would also assess patients with tendonitis/nerve compressions and other conditions and advise as above.

Please let patients know that if Ram recommends treatment, and it is not covered under ACC and the patient is not insured or able to self-fund any treatment by Ram, then it would be recommended a GP refer to the public hospital.

Please let patients know that if Ram recommends surgical treatment and the patient has got private insurance or can self pay, an estimate for the surgery will be sent to the patient.

Also, if patients have chronic pain/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, and Ram feels no surgery is required, a referral to a Pain Specialist would be recommended and need to be processed by GP or hand therapist.

If ACC claim date is more than 1 year old – please check if claim is still open for further treatment before further referral to Ram or if needed review appointment. Also, please check correct body site/correct side under referral ACC claim registered.

For the following injuries please contact Ram’s secretary as soon as possible as they might require immediate attention:

  • Thumb/finger ligament injuries (complete tear/Stener lesion)
  • Scapholunate ligament tears (new injury)
  • Fractures of carpal bones
  • Distal Biceps Tendon Tear

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